Knowing whether your car insurance will cover any repairs or services needed on your vehicle can be a tricky business, but it’s worth doing your research and understanding what your insurance offers before the time comes when you actually need it. The type of car mechanical repairs and services coverage offered will depend largely on the type of insurance you opt for. Luckily, our team here at Garden City Tyre and Mechanical have done the hard work for you and broken down the three car insurance types that you will come across and what they cover, so you know which option is right for you.
The Three Types
Third Party Property Insurance.
This is the most basic type of insurance that you will be offered and is mainly aimed at ensuring that any costs incurred after damaging someone else’s property are covered. It is largely similar to the compulsory insurance type, known as Compulsory Third Party Insurance, in that it provides cover for other people, rather than the policy holder themselves. Therefore, this type of insurance will not cover any type of repairs or services for your own car.
Third Party, Fire and Theft Insurance.
This type of insurance offers a bit more coverage for your own vehicle, but only as a result of very specific circumstances. As the name suggests, if your vehicle is damaged or lost due to a fire or instance of theft, then you would be covered for any costs incurred. However, if your car is damaged or breaks down as a result of any other circumstance, you would not be covered by your insurance provider. Whilst this doesn’t give a great deal of protection for car owners, it does offer a step up from the aforementioned Third Party Property Insurance.
Comprehensive Insurance.
Our final insurance type, and our most expensive, is Comprehensive Insurance. Normally, this type of insurance will cover most claims, including accidental damage to your car, even if you yourself were at fault. While this type is considerably more extensive in its coverage than the other two on this list, it is still worth noting that it doesn’t cover everything. For example, unless the other person is specifically stated on your policy as a driver, if someone else is driving your car and damage is incurred, your policy will not cover the costs. You should take some time to familiarise yourself with your own policy and what is covered within it before signing any contracts or agreeing to any payments.
Talk to a specialist.
We have given you a quick run down of each type of insurance in this article, but that doesn’t mean you have all of the information. If you have any more questions or just want to be more safe than sorry when it comes to your policy, why not get in touch with a specialist, such as our team here at Garden City Tyre and Mechanical, who will be able to offer a full run down on the mechanical repairs & car services that are covered by your insurance?