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Garden City Tyres

Cnr Neil & Thomas St, Toowoomba.


Car Mechanic Toowoomba

    7 warning signs your car needs repairs

    As Your Local Car Mechanic in Toowoomba we are here to help keep your car running smoothly and reliably every day.

    These days, cars are such a vital part of our lives, but they are also a big investment.

    Just like any other machine, cars need regular maintenance and repairs in order to keep them running.

    However, sometimes it can be difficult to know when your car needs servicing over and above the regular 10000 Km service.

    Here are seven warning signs that your car needs repairs:

    1. Your car is making strange or rattling noises.

    If you can hear that something is not quite right, but are unsure what it could be. Be sure to have it checked by a mechanic.

    2. Your car is leaking fluids.

    If your car is leaking fluids, it could be a sign of a serious problem.

    If you are unsure how to check all the various fluid levels on your car, be sure to take it to a mechanic right away.

    3. Your car is pulling to one side.

    If your car is pulling to one side, it could be an indication of alignment problems or suspension issues.

    This will almost certainly lead to excessive tyre wear and it would pay to have a professional take a look at it before you have to buy new tyres as well.

    4. Having trouble starting your car? It time to call a Car Mechanic in Toowoomba

    If you’re having trouble starting your car, it could be due to battery problems or something else entirely.

    Either way, it’s best to have a mechanic take a look at it. Your battery might be okay, but the alternator could have lost its ability to charge the battery properly.

    5. Your “check engine” light is on.

    If your “check engine” light is on, there could be any number of problems with your car. It’s best to take it to a mechanic and have them run a diagnostic test to determine the issue.

    6. Your car is vibrating excessively.

    If your car is vibrating excessively, it could be an indication of problems with either the engine, tyres or brakes.

    Be sure to have a professional to take a look at it as soon as possible.

    7. Your fuel economy has decreased significantly of late.

    Just like any other machine, cars need regular maintenance and repairs in order to keep them running at optimum levels.

    If you own a diesel vehicle, a decrease in fuel economy and blowing excess smoke can be caused by a build-up of soot in the intake and exhaust manifold as well as the turbo.

    As a local Car Mechanic in Toowoomba, we are starting to see this often.

    It’s a very common problem with modern diesel engines theses days as they are setup and equipped to meet the latest emission standards. There are a number of ways to alleviate those problems.

    One of them is to do preventative maintenance and cleaning of the intake and exhaust system by using the latest technology without having to dismantled any components of the engine.

    Finally, what do you do if your car runs out of fuel?

    If your car runs out of fuel, the best thing to do is to call roadside assistance. They will be able to bring you enough fuel to get you to the nearest service station.

    If you are in a rural area, you may be able to find a service station who most likely also offer roadside assistance.

    However, if you are in an urban area, Roadside Assistance would be your best bet.

    They will be able to bring you enough fuel to get you to the nearest service station.

    If you’re looking for quality mechanical assistance, be sure to contact Garden City Tyre and Mechanical today!

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